Friday, 10 November 2006
AFACT have responded to my supplementary submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, which I blogged about yesterday. I would have noted this earlier but I didn’t know it was there – sorry!
If you are interested in the criminal issues, you should read AFACT’s response, because it does assist to identify the situations which AFACT are most concerned about, and where they are most keen for the laws to be enforced.
Reading their response made me deeply regretful of three things:
- I regret that my comments have been perceived as scare-mongering. It has not been my intention to ‘scare-monger’ at any point. I have sought to highlight, through example, the breadth of the laws as drafted. I stand by the view that they are unjustifiably broad, particularly given an international legal standard which says that criminal law should apply to ‘wilful copyright infringement on a commercial scale’. I do not believe, nor does the AFACT response suggest, that any of the scenarios that I have outlined inaccurately represent how the law applies on its face.
- I regret that there has been no public review process over these laws. It would have helped us all a great deal if there had been a very clear Issues Paper, clearly identifying the kinds of situations intended to be caught by the laws. To some extent, we are all flailing around in the dark here because the laws were introduced with little explanation of the situations to which the laws are intended to apply, and no real discussion of those. I have asked the Department whether there is a public document that seeks to outline the situations in which the laws are anticipated to be applied, and have been told that there really isn’t one.
- I regret that the Guidelines have not been drafted and released at the same time as a public review of the laws. If we knew when, and how, police discretion was to be guided in the enforcement of these laws, we would have a much better idea if there were areas of real concern.
Having read AFACT’s response, I do feel that there are several matters to which I should respond. (more…)