Sunday, 24 September 2006
So there was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing on Thursday, after I found out about the new legislation in copyright before I was meant to. Many other people had found them too – before they were officially released. Lots of people downloaded them, so further secrecy was pretty useless of course.
So now we can all officially say:
- The draft legislation for copyright exceptions (outcomes from the Fair Use Inquiry), and new laws on copyright enforcement (two bills) are now available online, officially, here.
- According to the e-news, The bill as a whole will be referred to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee (not, notably, the committee which considered TPMs before, the House of Reps Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee).
- if you want to make comments now, you can make them to AGs. If you want to make comments to the Senate LACA, you can make them sometime after 10 October.
Ironically, I am teaching a Masters Course on Australian Copyright Law at the University of Melbourne this week, intensively – 9 to 5. So I will be very busy all week, but will fill you in on any comments and analysis that come up out of those classes.