Monday, 8 October 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting the news that Music Industry Piracy Investigations (MIPI), the music industry’s copyright enforcement arm, is threatening that they may have to start suing individuals for copyright infringement, if ISPs don’t do what they wish, and ‘exert more control over their users’. but is this news? And is it likely? I don’t think so. But to explain why, we need some backstory.
[UPDATE]: Today’s AFR has more on MIPI’s proposals for ISP monitoring of copyright infringement: see page 40]
This new story about a threat to Australian consumers is traceable to the US case that is getting so much attention at the moment, in which a 30 year old American woman was fined US$220,000 dollars for sharing 24 songs online (although note, the Industry said she didn’t just share 24, but 1709 songs, and I think that’s probably right, since they wouldn’t have brought the action for 24). There’s been extensive coverage of the case; among other links, see:
- Ars Technica
- Declan McCullagh
- Recording Industry v The People (with lots of links including to material from Jammie Thomas herself)
- The BBC;
- New York Times
- Freedom to Tinker
But what of Australia? According to the SMH story, MIPI has ‘threatened to start suing individuals for illegal downloading if internet providers do not exert more control over their users’. MIPI, apparently, want the ISPs to do two things: send warning notices to users who are downloading, and disconnect the internet connections of users identified as illegal downloaders. This attempt to encourage the ISPs to get involved is supported by Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT). It’s not clear whether AFACT are also threatening action against individual downloaders.
Could the Jammie Thomas case happen here? Well:
- Yes, she could be sued and held liable here in Australia. Making copyright works available online is clearly an infringement of copyright (it’s even clearer, under Australian law, than it is under US law).
- But no, you wouldn’t get a $220,000 jury award here. First, we don’t have juries. But more importantly, you couldn’t get a damages award of $220,000 for 24 songs here, because our system for calculating damages is different. Under US law, a copyright owner who sues for copyright infringement can claim either their actual damage (what it actually caused them in terms of loss) or a fixed (statutory) amount per infringement. The amounts, under US law, that you can claim per infringement are between US$750 and US$30,000 per infringement (see 17 USC 504). That’s what leads to enormous damages claims in the US. By contrast, here in Australia, if you wanted to sue an individual, you would have to seek your actual damage (for 24 songs, or even 1709 songs, a much smaller amount, I suspect, than $220,000). You no longer have to prove every infringement (s115(5) and (6)) but the damages award still has to be linked to actual loss. There is capacity for ‘punitive’ damages in Australia (s 115(4)), but I don’t think on any stretch of the imagination they would get to these heights, even if they were to be awarded (not guaranteed – would courts really want to punish individuals like that?).
Will it happen? Will we see lawsuits against individuals? It’s always dangerous to speculate of course. But let’s have a go.
I’ve said before that I didn’t think it likely that individuals would be targeted while the process of copyright law reform was going on. The American campaign of lawsuits against individuals, brought by the RIAA, started in late 2003, but here in Australia, since early 2004 we’ve been going through a process of copyright law reform. Copyright owners would have been certifiably insane had they started suing individuals while that process was ongoing: it would have been a surefire way to draw political heat and make it harder to get tougher copyright laws. In fact, had single mothers or 12 year olds been the subject of lawsuits in Australia, I suspect politicians would have been calling for softer copyright laws, not tougher laws. Those personal copying exceptions would have been even broader.
But that reform process ended in late 2006. What now? And what of this reported threat?
It’s possible, of course, that there is no new threat as such. It may be that someone from MIPI was asked to comment on the Thomas case, and they chose to keep their options open, and to refer back to their chief battle ground at present – convincing ISPs to police users more stringently. In other words, this may not be ‘news’, but rather, a simple opportunistic comment by an industry body seeking to capitalise on a news story to try to generate a bit of attention to their concerns, and to capitalise on any deterrence against downloading in Australia that the US jury judgment may have generated.
But let’s assume there is some threat, whether recent or not, to sue downloaders if the ISPs don’t come to the party. Idle threat or likely next step?
Logic would suggest that the threat is not entirely implausible, for two reasons. On the one hand, it is not likely that the ISPs will be coming to the proposed MIPI/AFACT party anytime soon. The Internet Industry Association, at least, has said so in a letter available here, and if you think about it, it just looks like all cost, no benefit from the perspective of an ISP:
- There are the costs involved in setting up the systems for monitoring and sending notices. Whichever way you look at it, that would involve spending money to set up the technology. And cost incurred purely for the benefit of someone else – ie copyright owners.
- Then there are the costs of incurring the ire of users wrongly accused by the automated system of copyright warnings. Some notices would inevitably be sent in error, generating complaint and potentially bad publicity. And some notices wouldn’t be sent in error, but would arise where the registered user wasn’t the person doing the download. in that case, you still are likely to have some ire from the wrongly named user;
- disconnecting users would have similar costs – but magnified.
- Give in on this one, and it becomes harder for ISPs to resist other demands for similar systems to avoid other kinds of legal breaches. What would be the basis for special treatment of copyright owners? what about trade mark or patent owners who can prove infringement (I know there are differences. but the point I think holds: give into one demand to monitor, warn and disconnect, and you are less able to argue it’s impracticable when the next demand comes along).
Assuming that ISPs don’t want to come to the party, the realistic choice has to be to sue some users for effect. As Lemley and Reese have pointed out in a quite good paper a while ago (short version here, long version here) – users and technology/communications providers are two alternative possible parties for prosecution. Either one could work.
That said, 2007 is not 2003. Things have moved on the meantime. In particular, we are seeing, I think, in more recent times a lot of effort to counter the download threat in ways more creative than ‘let’s scare them all into submission’: actions like offering DRM-free downloads, or the abandonment of publication ‘windows’ that we are now seeing in Australia in relation to television programs (in an attempt to cut down on people downloading TV so they can see it at the same time as in the US). iTunes is pretty big and important now. Suing individuals doesn’t fit with these attempts to offer what consumers want. you don’t seduce and attack consumers at once, surely… And even in the US, the campaign hasn’t been a roaring success: the Jammie Thomas case is significant, but at least before that case, file-sharing was still growing in the US, despite 26,000 suits. Unless you think Australians are more risk averse than Americans, the lack of overwhelming success to the lawsuits in the US – despite several years of lawsuits and thousands being sued – ought to make you think before introducing the approach here.
Also, there are political considerations. Copyright owners would be a bit mad to start suing consumers in Australia with an election pending. Stirring the political boat now would be unpopular with the political parties whose support may be needed in other contexts, and at other times. If copyright owners were to start suing individuals now, it would make obvious the gaping holes in Ruddock’s copyright rhetoric of last year (it’s about pirates, not normal people). Assuming that MIPI, and ARIA, would rather win friends and influence politicians, they are unlikely to want to take steps to antagonise the politicians now. How long will this be important? This factor could change after an election.
It’s also worth noting that Australia is a different place from the US. It’s a smaller market, for one thing, and politicians are closer, I suspect, here, to their constituents. Have an individual sued, and individual MPs might well pay attention in ways that even lawsuits against 26,000 individuals in the US have not forced Congress members to do.
Finally, the different legal framework in Australia means that some of the elements of US law most central to the success of the ‘sue individuals’ strategy are missing. Basically, the RIAA strategy depends on the fact that the majority of people sued will settle. 26,000 lawsuits would have imposed a signfiicant burden even on the RIAA. The whole RIAA strategy of suing masses of individuals, and seeking settlements for a few thousand dollars, is dependent on the ability to threaten damages of up to US$30,000 per infringement (or likely now, following the Jammie Thomas case, the letters will probably threaten $9,250 per song). But the threats of huge damages awards can’t be made in Australia against individuals, for reasons I’ve already explained. Which means settlement may be less likely. The whole thing looks like a LOT more trouble.
My guess? The ‘threat’ being reported in the SMH is an opportunistic statement seeking to capitalise on the deterrence value of a big lawsuit against a US individual to remind people that downloading is illegal. But I could, of course, be wrong.
Finally, can I just say, in conclusion, that I find the idea that MIPI/AFACT are trying to get a code of practice with the ISPs that would require monitoring and disconnect of internet users a simply wonderful irony. Think about it:
- We spend 4-5 years drafting a digital copyright law: in 2000 we get the Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act. Perhaps the one gaping hole in the reforms is the decision not to do anything about intermediary liability.
- We have a review of the digital agenda reforms, in which it is suggested that perhaps a system for providing certainty for intermediaries is required – like a safe harbour regime for ISPs. There’s a chance of a more certain, effective system being negotiated at this point.
- what happens? The US comes in with its “world’s best practice” laws in the AUSFTA. We get US-style safe harbours. Drafted, originally, in 1998. prior to the file-sharing phenomenon. Built on an assumption that the harm is caused by internet hosts, not individual users sharing.
- We spend the next couple of years going through a copyright reform process that does not involve ‘updating’ the AUSFTA rules because they comprehensively set out what we have to do. What we have to do does NOT include the industry’s actual preferred monitoring and disconnection system.
In other words, thanks most significantly to the AUSFTA, we never got an updated version of the safe harbours that would deal with peer-to-peer. It might have happened back in 2003. I dont’ know whether it would have, but it might have. Will it happen now? Not a chance. No Australian government in their right mind wants to have to go back to copyright law after experiencing the 2004-2006 period.
I wonder whether the cost of AUSFTA was worth the gain? (actually, I don’t wonder. I’m pretty convinced it wasn’t. See my new paper on this here).
Ah, irony is a wonderful thing.
12 Responses to “Australian copyright industry to start suing the consumers? – UPDATED”
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October 8th, 2007 at 10:27 pm
Hey Kim,
I’m a keen reader of this blog, and it’s flattering to see my story inspired such a long post. But at the start of your piece you criticise our reporting of the story, yet you go on to mainly question whether it would be wise for MIPI to sue individuals.
It’s my job to report the facts, not to opine (in a news story, at least) on whether or not MIPI would be making a smart move by suing downloaders. Interpreting the facts is left to the reader.
In this case, the facts were MIPI claiming it would sue individual downloaders in Australia after the events with Jammie Thomas in the US. Whether or not they will follow through remains to be seen, but I don’t claim to be a lawyer or own a crystal ball that can help me see the future.
October 9th, 2007 at 1:21 am
I was very much surprised by the outcome. That kind of money will be hard if not impossible for her to raise. In any case, it will just cause people to shift away from Kazaa (which is what she used) and towards legal file-sharing alternatives such as GigaTribe. GigaTribe is legal since you only share with people you know:
October 9th, 2007 at 9:07 am
Asher – sorry if it sounded like I was laying in to your reporting – certainly wasn’t the intention! I just wanted to give context to the story and offer my interpretation of events – an addition to your fine work! Naturally, I have no crystal ball either, and I could be all wrong in my speculations. I was just trying to think it all through. I’ve been interested in the IIA-MIPI discussions for a while now, and your story gave me the perfect hook.
October 9th, 2007 at 9:11 am
John – it’s not legal to share just with people you know under Australian copyright law. We do have an exception (new in December 2006) that allows you to copy CDs which you have legitimately purchased onto devices (like iPods) that you own. that’s the extent of the exception. Otherwise, copying (and file ‘sharing’ does involve copying) is an infringement of the copyright owner’s exclusive right.
October 9th, 2007 at 2:12 pm
Kim, I think your right in saying that the ISPs will be coming to the proposed MIPI/AFACT party anytime soon and that this is the saving grace for people like me who are passionate about peer-to-peer software (and everything else). I’m also well aware that there is a lot of lobby pressure and money in the back ground on behalf of the record industry who are clinging to their traditional distribution means and are greatly threatened by the current technologies.
I just wonder what the role of Telstra is in all this. They are a huge ISP and increasingly providing online content (for a fee) but still partly owned by a government that is clearly on the side of the MIPI/AFACT.
October 9th, 2007 at 10:04 pm
No probs Kim. Come to think of it, given your background I should have called you to ask your opinion on the topic for inclusion in the story. Your comments on the pitfalls of suing Aussies for downloading sound perfectly reasonable to me.
October 25th, 2007 at 11:06 am
I’m surprised that both the SMH and Kim have ignored the criminal aspects of this matter.
I am not a lawyer, but as I understand it the greater fiscal threat here in Australia is not the civil action, but the mandated fines that can be imposed. These fines, $6600 per instance for individuals and $13,200 per instance for companies, could easily amount to unreasonable figures.
These fines can be imposed by as simple an action as a policeman writing a ticket, and can only be defended in a criminal court.
Doing the sums, 24 songs at $6600 is $158,400.00. While that figure is technically not as high as $220,000, it is still in the oxygen-starved region of the financial atmosphere for most consumers.
And because of the mechanism of imposing these fines, there is little reason to not expect a greater number of charges. — There is little practical reason the woman could not have been charged with 1709 infractions under Australian law. (It might have taken a few weeks to write out that many tickets!)
She would have been forced to defend every alleged infraction individually.
If 24, or 1709, infractions does not define a ‘pirate’ as opposed to an ‘individual’, where it the cutoff line drawn?
What must sadden anyone concerned with fairness under the law is the overt recognition of political expediency influencing the application of the letter of the law — without any lament.
Applying the law only when it will not affect an election is a definition of corruption, not fairness.
Constitutionally, – forgive the metaphor – I think the concept of holding ISPs responsible for the actions of their clients in such a poorly defined and applied area of the law is bad law from the perspective of a body of law.
Law must change in response to the realities of a society and technology. Ideally, wisdom would guide such changes. In reality, the law usually trails the realities of a society and is at odds with the will and the direction societies mature.
There isn’t much to defend the arcane results of the Australian Copyright law commission; even if the financial support is there.
October 25th, 2007 at 4:47 pm
Ah, Paul, you know that I’m the last person to ignore the criminal copyright issues where they exist. A couple of points:
October 31st, 2007 at 11:45 pm
Hi Kim,
I haven’t been reading LawFont for a while, and I’m afraid I owe you a retraction. After posting that Comment, I subscribed to LawFont through my Bloglines account, then caught up on my reading.
We don’t share your faith in the application of fines, however – even if it is more on political timing and expediency. The fact that those fines exist is the issue.
They shouldn’t exist, simply. Even if the legislature seems to be skittering and backtracking itself to provide ameliorating circumstances, sooner or later someone will find it expedient to issue those tickets; and the law provides a mechanism of far too easy abuse.
I can’t avoid the sense that these fines will be used to intimidate and quash entrepreneurship on the Internet – further controlling the free flow of information to the wider Australian public.
I do not see the reasoning behind 6 above.
Once an issue has the force of law – meaning it is enforceable by the police and the courts – my understanding is that it has to be prosecuted. Otherwise, what is the point of criminalizing any action?
If the law is to be applied equally, according to the letter of the law, then how can it be said that an interpretation of the spirit(?) of the law will prevent prosecution?
If a person is issued an infringement notice including a bail amount, they have two choices: 1) Pay the bail and take the conviction on their record; or, 2) challenge the ticket in court at their own expense.
I don’t see anywhere in these laws that provide for other recourse?
The idea that the onus of the Jammie Thomas decision will prevent prosecution is as disturbing as the fact of the result of that civil action. Either the legislature will rescind this part of the revisions, or it should be applied.
Is this somehow dependent upon Judicial Discretion?
My understanding of Judicial Discretion is it is applied after the charges have been filed. It should not ever influence the application of the law, or contradict the black letter of the law, ideally.
There are already too many examples in Australian jurisprudence where Judicial Discretion apparently is too influenced by the political; and where Judicial Discretion can be seen to reverse both the spirit and letter of the law.
November 1st, 2007 at 8:48 am
Paul – just to answer a question you had – infringement notices work differently under Commonwealth law than they do under State law.
Under state laws (eg, parking fines, speeding tickets), if you don’t pay, the matter automatically goes to court – where you have to defend yourself, OR of course, the matter might be dismissed.
Under Commonwealth law, if you don’t pay, the prosecutors have to make a decision whether they want to prosecute. That’s just the way it works (I think it’s for constitutional reasons, although I’m not an expert on that).
That means you could have a situation where:
– the police officer issues, say, 10 infringement notices to a guy at a market. That adds up to a $13,200 fine (as I said, i don’t think that would happen, but it can on the face of the law, so let’s assume it does);
– the guy doesn’t pay
– at that point, the prosecutor (state or cth) has to decide whether to prosecute. They might choose to prosecute, at that point, for 10 criminal acts, or for 1, or for 100, or put evidence of the whole haul and charge a representative number of offences. Or they might choose not to prosecute.
I’ve argued, on multiple occasions, that the existence of overbroad laws is a problem, because of the discretion it confers and the problems of consistency that entails. Refer to my submission on the Infringement Notice Guidelines on this point.
November 2nd, 2007 at 8:21 pm
Thanks for your response, Kim. I realize you’re a busy woman.
And it is probably a good thing my first draft of this comment is lost in the ether somewhere because of an accidental stomp on my keyboard.
‘Overbroad’ is an odd term for a law. I would say ‘obscure’, or ‘ephemeral’ – or simply that these laws are a mechanism for abuse which remove the concept of equal protection under the law. These laws read like a codification of the questions to be discussed and resolved.
I read your submission, and was most interested in the hypotheticals in the Appendix.
How does anyone expect to avoid corruption and abuse under the definitions of this system?
Australia sought to become a leader in copyright law. Where is the considerations of the new business models that are forming, irresistably, across the world?
These laws look backwards, not forwards. This is a dull light into the dim past; not a beacon to guide the future – or even to illuminate the present.
If there is any visage that can be drawn from this hodpodge of opportunity, it is the dark image of the corporate state.
– police and government as for-profit enterprises;
– corporate employees (MIDI or AFACT)as agents for prosecution;
– discretion so broad as to legalize political/corporate policy;
– discretion which is defined to be used as harassment, not enforcement;
– laws so vague as to be impossible for anyone to interpret reasonably.
I find these laws saddening, and frightening.
July 21st, 2010 at 10:53 pm
Since the passing of the Digital Economy Act 2010, the assent of which evoked a (not entirely) resounding cry of joy from the music industry, its swift passage into law appears to have caused some turbulence amongst ISPs, and all for valid reasons.
More on this available: